
Coding Quiz - Gym Uniform Problem

In this coding quiz, you will write a program to solve the "gym uniform problem" using a Greedy Algorithm.

The scenario for this problem is as follows: Students are given gym uniforms for physical education classes at school.

However, some students have lost their uniforms, and some kind students have brought extra uniforms.

A student with extra uniforms can lend them only to a student with the immediately preceding or following number.

The goal is to decide how to distribute the uniforms in order to minimize the number of students who need a uniform.

Code Implementation
def solution(n, lost, reserve): # Write your code here return


  • The total number of students is between 2 and 30.

  • The number of students who lost uniforms and those who brought extra uniforms is at least 1 and no more than the number of students.

  • A student who has brought an extra uniform may also lose their own, and in this case, they cannot lend a uniform to another student.

Input/Output Example

  • Input: n = 5, lost = [2, 4], reserve = [1, 3, 5]

  • Output: 5


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