
Displaying Integers with the format() Function

Using the format() function, you can output strings in various formats.

Specifying the format of the output data is called formatting, and you use a colon : inside the braces { } to define the display format.

Example of using the format() function
  • { } : Placeholder indicating where to insert the value

  • : : Specifies format options

Displaying Integers

To output integers, use {:d} by putting d to the right of the colon inside the braces.

Integer output formatting example
number = 123 # Integer output formatted = "number: {:d}".format(number) print(formatted) # "number: 123"

If you omit d, Python will automatically use the appropriate format based on the type of the value.

Automatic type specification formatting example
number = 123 # Integer output formatted = "number: {}".format(number) print(formatted) # "number: 123"

Specifying Output Width

Using a number to the right of the colon specifies the width of the resulting string.

For instance, {:5} sets the width of the output string to 5.

Integer output formatting example
number = 123 formatted = "number: {:5}".format(number) # Set width to 5 # Inserts 2 spaces before 123 print(formatted) # "number: 123",

If you want to pad the width with zeros, prefix the width with 0.

Integer output formatting example
number = 123 formatted = "number: {:05}".format(number) # Set width to 5 # Inserts 2 zeros before 123 print(formatted) # "number: 00123"
0 / 1

To output an integer using the format() function with a fixed width, what output format should be used?

number = 123 formatted_number = "number: ".format(number) print(formatted_number) # "number: 123"


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