
HTML Elements

HTML elements are the fundamental units that define content on a webpage, consisting of tags and the content enclosed within them.

Most HTML elements consist of a start tag, an end tag, and the content in between.

Basic Structure of an HTML Element
<startTag>HTML Element Content</endTag>

For example, in the code below, 'Hello' enclosed in <p> tags represents a p element.

Example of a p element to express text content

By using HTML elements, you can display various types of content such as images, videos, audio, and links on a webpage.

3 Key HTML Elements

There are hundreds of types of HTML tags, but you don't need to memorize them all.

The 3 elements introduced below are the most basic and important elements for building a webpage.

<h1> ~ <h6> : Heading Elements

The h in h elements stands for Heading, and they represent titles and subtitles in a document, ranging from h1 to h6 levels.

<h1> is the most important title, while <h6> is the least important.

h elements representing titles
<h1>Main Title</h1> <h2>Sub Title</h2> <h3>Subsection Title</h3>

<p> ~ </p> : Paragraph Elements

The p in p elements stands for Paragraph, and the p element defines a block of text.

p elements representing paragraphs

<a> ~ </a> : Anchor Elements

The a in a elements stands for anchor, and they create links to other websites or different sections within the same webpage.

a elements representing links
<a href="https://www.example.com">Link</a>

Besides these, elements like <div>, <img>, <input>, <ul>, <li>, and various other HTML elements can be used to construct a webpage's content.

Parent & Child Elements

HTML elements have a hierarchical structure that involves Parent and Child relationships.

A Parent Element is a higher-level element that contains other HTML elements within it. The lower-level HTML elements contained within a parent are called Child Elements.

Parent and Child Elements
<!-- This div is the parent element. --> <div> <!-- This p is a child element. --> <p>Hello!</p> </div>

In the example above, the <div> element is the parent element of the <p> element, which is positioned as a child element under the <div>.


Follow and input the emphasized parts of the code.

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A child element is an element contained within a parent element.



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