
The Big Three of the Web (HTML, CSS, JS)

Webpages are a comprehensive result of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript working together.

With a good grasp of these three elements, you can create not only simple home pages but also games composed with intricate logic like those you interact with on screens.

What roles do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript play on the web?

HTML: The Skeleton of a Webpage

HTML is like the skeleton of a person.

It defines the structure of a webpage and forms the content that you see on the screen.

CSS: The Clothing of a Webpage

CSS is akin to a person's clothing.

Using CSS, you apply style, color, size, and other design aspects to HTML elements.

JavaScript: The Brain of a Webpage

JavaScript is similar to a person's brain.

Used alongside HTML and CSS, it adds interactivity and dynamic functions to webpages.

Dynamic functions refer to things like changing the background color of the screen when a specific button is clicked or validating the data input into a text box (e.g., ensuring a password is at least six characters long).

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Experience JavaScript Coding

In programming, a variable refers to a space on the computer where you can store values. Simply put, a variable is a box that temporarily holds data.

With JavaScript, you can declare variables to handle data, retrieve stored values from variables whenever needed, and reuse them.

The let keyword is a reserved word in JavaScript used to create a box that can store data, which can be changed at any time.

The code let myCurrentIndex = 490 is JavaScript code that stores the value 490 in a variable named myCurrentIndex. By changing 490 to another number between 0 and 783, you can see the starting position of the character change.

Please enter let in the blank below to complete the JavaScript code for declaring a variable.

 myCurrentIndex = 490


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